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The total number of China-Europe railway trains has exceeded 40,000, with a cargo value of over 200 billion US dollars

  The office of the Leadership Group of the Belt and Road Infrastructure Construction Company held a work exchange meeting on the fifth anniversary of the unification of well-known brands of China-Europe Railway Trains on the 20th。So far, the total number of China-Europe freight trains has increased by 40,000, with a cumulative value of more than 200 billion US dollars, based on 73 operating routes, which travel to more than 160 cities in 22 European countries。Since the outbreak of COVID-19, a total of 1,199,000 COVID-19 prevention supplies have been shipped to Europe on China-Europe freight trains。In March 2011, the first batch of China-Europe freight trains was announced from Chongqing Municipality to Duisburg, Germany, opening up the coding sequence of reform and innovation of China-Europe freight trains。On June 20, 2016, unified brand China Australia Class held its first Europe (Finland) ceremony in Warsaw, Poland。
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