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Export Bill Discount

Product description

       Export discounting refers to the purchase by the bank of an unmatured usance bill that has been accepted by the bank or an unmatured forward claim that has been accepted by the bank or an unmatured forward claim that has been guaranteed by the bank under the export credit。We have the right of recourse against the exporter in case of non-payment by the accepting/accepting/confirming/confirming bank。

Product function
       The products are used to meet the short-term financing needs of exporters under usance letters of credit。

Product characteristics 

       1.Accelerate capital turnover。To recover long-term claims at sight, speed up capital turnover and ease the pressure on funds。

       2.Simplify financing procedures。Financing procedures are relatively simple and easy compared to working capital loans。

       3.Save financial costs。The financing currency can be selected according to the interest rate level of different currencies, thus saving financial costs。

Applicable customer

       1.Exporters have limited liquidity and rely on quick capital turnover to do business;

       2.The exporter encounters temporary liquidity difficulties after obtaining acceptance/acceptance/guarantee from foreign banks and before receiving payment;

       3.Exporters encounter new investment opportunities after acceptance/acceptance/guarantee by foreign banks and before collection, and the expected yield is higher than the discount rate。

Application conditions

First, basic conditions

       1.Approved and registered according to law, with the annual inspection of the legal person's business license or other valid documents to prove the legality and scope of its business;

       2.Have a loan card;

       3.Have an account opening license and open a settlement account with our bank;

       4.With import and export business qualifications。

2. The Customer has an unmatured usance bill accepted by the bank or an unmatured usance claim accepted by the bank, or an unmatured usance claim guaranteed by the bank under documentary collection。

3. Occupy the credit line of financial institutions of accepting bank/accepting bank/guaranteeing bank 

Business process

       1.Exporters sign financing agreements with our bank and submit export documents to our bank。

       2.After examining the documents, we will send them to the foreign bank (issuing bank or nominated bank) for remittance claim。

       3.The foreign bank accepts/accepts the documents after receiving them。

       4.Upon receipt of acceptance/acceptance, the client shall submit a business application to the Bank and transfer the discounted amount to the exporter's account。

       5.When the foreign bank makes payment to us at maturity, we shall repay the discounted amount。

Warm reminder

       1.When signing the contract, it is agreed with the importer to use the long acceptance letter of credit as the settlement method;

       2.After the issuing bank accepts the usance bill or gives the acceptance notice, you need to submit the application for discount to the bank;

       3.A usance bill under a usance acceptance credit has been accepted by a bank,If you need short-term financing due to temporary liquidity difficulties,It is advisable to choose export discount;A usance bill under a usance acceptance credit has been accepted by a bank,If you encounter new investment opportunities,And the expected rate of return on investment is higher than the discount rate,It is advisable to choose export discount;

       4.Banks generally do not discount bills without trade background for investment purposes。

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